The tests that will be run are all those in the test subdirectory of the root of the syberia engine, unless otherwise specified.

test_engine(engine = syberia_engine(), base = "test",
  config = file.path("config", "environments", "test"),
  ignored_tests = ignored_tests_from_config(engine, base, config),
  optional_tests = optional_tests_from_config(engine, base, config),
  required = TRUE, reporter = c("summary", "check", "list", "minimal",
  "multi", "rstudio", "silent", "stop", "tap", "teamcity")[1L],
  error_on_failure = TRUE)



syberia_engine. The syberia engine to test. If a character, it will be passed to syberia_engine first.


character. Any subdirectory to test specifically. By default, "test".


character. The relative path to the configuration resource, by default "config/environments/test".


character. The list of tests to ignore, by default the local variable ignored_tests extracted from the configuration resource specific by the config parameter.


character. The list of tests to ignore, by default the local variable optional_tests extracted from the configuration resource specific by the config parameter.


logical. Whether or not all tests are required to have resources, by default TRUE. If TRUE, the ignored_tests resources will not be required to have an accompanying test. It is highly recommended that all your projects have full test coverage.


character. The testthat package test reporter to use. The options are c("check", "list", "summary", "minimal", "multi", "rstudio", "silent", "stop", "tap", "teamcity"), with the default being "summary".


logical. Whether or not to raise an error if there are any failures. By default, TRUE.


A list of testthat_results objects giving the details for the tests executed on each tested resource. If error_on_failure is TRUE, error instead if there are any failures.


It is possible to introduce additional behavior prior to and after tests. This can be used to perform additional testing not covered by sourcing all files in the "test/" directory of the syberia engine.

To provide a setup or teardown hook, simply place a function or list of functions in a local variable setup or teardown, respectively, in config/environments/test relative to the root of the syberia engine, or pass the relevant setup or teardown parameters to this function.

For example, creating a file config/environments/test.R with the code setup <- function(env) cat("Running all tests.") will print a message before all the tests are run. The one parameter the function must take is an environment which will contain a single key, director, pointing to the object returned by calling syberia_engine.

See also
