Determine whether a resource exists relative to a director object.

director_exists(resource, helper = FALSE)



character. The name of the resource.


logical. Whether or not to check helper existence in an idempotent resource. The default is FALSE.


TRUE or FALSE according as it does or does not exist.


not_run({ # Imagine we have a file structure: # - foo # - one # - one.R # - helper.R # - two.R # # Then the bellow will return \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE}, and \code{TRUE}, # respectively. Note that the \code{"helper.R"} file is not considered a # resource by the director as \code{"one.R"} shares its name with its # parent directory and is considered the accessible resource. d <- director('foo') d$exists('one') d$exists('one/helper') d$exists('two') })